The Fully Raw Diet 21 Days
One of my good friends took on a vegan-raw challenge, which reminded me that I never shared my results from my 21 Days of Raw! I guess I was so excited to complete my first (and last…lol) taste of the raw life, it totally slipped my mind.
Moment of transparency: I'm not even going to fake the funk — it was HARD! I can tell you, I do not want to be a strict raw food dieter "on purpose"…like ever! However, it does have its benefits.
- Increases your energy levels
- Encourages a plant-based lifestyle
- Great way to detox
Because I was feeling sluggish (at the time), I decided to try 21 Days of Raw as a detox. It was also during the summer, and we all know that summer heat in the south can have you all delusional. I don't know what I was thinking going strictly raw (food) during the summer. I was also doing a huge chunk of my training during that summer preparing for my first marathon. The heat will zap and drain you, but I knew I needed more energy…annnnd I needed to get back into making healthier choices when it came to my diet.
Going from cooked foods to strictly raw is extremely challenging. Ask any (non-religious) vegetarian or vegan to eat meat for 21 days, you would probably get a "heck-to-the-no"! Just like vegans/vegetarians/vegan propagandists can argue their side, so can those who feel they need animal protein to be strong, healthy, etc. That's another topic for another day, but you get where I'm going. I think everyone should try it at least once.
A few days in, I had something between a headache and a migraine. Because I don't get headaches often, I knew it had to be related to the change in my diet. I couldn't work out because my head felt so heavy and I was not getting any relief. I also developed a sinus headache with lots of pressure. At this point, I knew my detox was in full effect. About noon on day four, my headache started to subside. I was so happy, because I was starting to miss running and the gym. It was then when I really noticed changes in my energy level and my skin. Although I don't have problems with acne, my face appeared clearer—and I was glowin', y'all!
OK, so here are my results of my 21 Days of Raw:
- Increased energy levels
- Skin became clearer
- I lost 12 lbs and 8 inches…yay! (sorry, no before or after)
- I made it 21 days without coffee and wine
- I found new foods to include in my diet
Things I discovered on my 21 Days of Raw:
- I can do anything if I put my mind to it
- A food dehydrator is a great kitchen accessory
- I should be eating at least 8 servings of fruit and veggies per day
- Eating raw food can be extremely challenging and exhausting. OK…boring, there I said it! (IMO)
- Raw snacks can be very tasty
- I really like dehydrated snacks
- Almond cheese exists
- There is a such thing as raw salad dressing
- I absolutely love cooked (sautéed, steamed, roasted, or baked) veggies more than I thought
- I know how to make raw tortilla chips
- I make the best salsa and guacamole (ever!)
- I really love fish (and missed it a whole lot)
- Raw food meals require a lot of work and hand-washing dishes/loading the dishwasher almost daily
- Raw foods are very fibrous and are natural diuretics
After completing 21 Days of Raw, I was so ready and excited to add cooked foods back into my diet. I was roasting, baking, and stir-frying all of my veggies. It wasn't a hard transition at all. Maybe because I'm used to eating meat, but it definitely did not have the same effect on me that switching to raw food did.
Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I do, however, commend anyone who is able to live this lifestyle. Fully Raw Kristina is the one who had me intrigued. Again, anyone who lives the Raw Life…I applaud you!
So there you have it, folks! You can check out my first two posts here:
21 Days of Raw
What I've Been Eating – 21 Days of Raw
Have you ever tried eating a raw food diet?
DISCLAIMER: If you are considering trying a raw food diet, ple ase consult with a healthcare professional.

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