What Is Passage in English Language Arts and Reading

Click here to become admission to the all-time NCERT Solutions for Grade 7 English language. Go through these Unseen Passage for Class vii in English CBSE With Questions and Answers to learn English language.

Unseen Passage for Form 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow:

Unseen Passage for Class vii Questions and Answers


the giraffe is the tallest of all living land animals. A male person can go upwardly to xviii feet and a female person upto 15 anxiety. Such height enables them to escape the competition for footing level grass that exists amidst other leaf-eaters. It also gives him a long range of vision. He takes the warning of the budgeted enemy early on.
Giraffes eat a variety of leaves, merely acacia leaves are their favourite diet. In spring when many trees are not in leaf, they spend 80 per cent of the day eating. In summer, when copse are in full leaf, they demand only 15 per cent. The residuum of the time is spent in resting and quarrelling.
A giraffe's long neck is made up like that of human being and near other mammals, of but 7 vertebrae. The bones are attached to one another with ball and socket joints. These make the neck flexible. It can run at 50 km per hr.
Rising from a lying position is a problem for such a big animal. So it usually keeps standing even while information technology sleeps.
To reach h2o with such a long neck and legs, a giraffe spreads its front legs wide autonomously. And so it lowers its neck to drink. This awkward position makes it easy for the king of beasts to assault it.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 1

On tbe ground of your reading of the above passage fill up in the blanks with suitable words:

  1. A giraffe is the …………..(a) of all land animals. The height of a…………… (b) giraffe tin become upto 18 feet. The (c) ………….of a female person giraffe tin exist upto 15 feet. With this height it doesn't have to ………………………(d) with other animals for leaves. This enables it to see its (e) …………… from a long distance. It, however, creates problem in reaching (f) …………..in tanks.
  2.  Find words from the in a higher place passage that mean opposite to the following:
    (a) dead (b) discrete (c) stiff (d) hind.


  1. 1. (a) tallest (b) male (c) summit (d) compete (e) enemy (f)water
  2. (a) living (fo) attached (c) flexible (d) front


A volcano is a burning mountain with a great hole running deep into the globe. Out of it come up smoke, gases and stones. The mouth of the opening is called the crater of the valcano.
Volcanoes are not e'er called-for. Sometimes a volcano will remain quiet for centuries. Then it will of a sudden become active. This is called volcanic eruption.
When the eruption takes place, corking clouds of ashes, dust, gas and steam rise from the crater. Loud noises come from the crater. After former, white hot molten rock, called lava begins to menses down the mountain sides. This may go on for days or weeks.
And so the volcano will 'go to sleep' again for many years. Most volcanoes are found near the seas.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 2


  1. 1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage complete the following:
    (a) A volcano is a burning mount which .
    (b) When a volcano becomes active, .
    (c) Lava refers to .
    (d) A crater is the mouth of the .
    (due east) Most volcanoes are found .
  2. Find words from the in a higher place passage that mean reverse to:
    (a) closing (b) fallow (c) far


  1. i. (a) spits fire from a deep hole in the earth
    (b) ashes, dust, steam, smoke and lava rising from its mouth
    (c) white hot molten rock
    (d) opening on the meridian of a volcanic mountain
    (e) near the sea
  2. (a) opening (b) active (c) well-nigh


A myth has been built around the pelican, i of the oldest surviving birds. It is a com¬monly held belief that the mother feeds her chicks on her ain claret. So people have regarded the pelican equally most affectionate and dutiful bird.
The large beak of the bird makes it very easy to recognise it. Information technology has a short tail, short legs, long wings and a large bag nether its bill. Considering of its webbed toes, the pelican finds walking on the land difficult.
However, it is a delight to watch these birds in flight. The pelican has figured among the largest of birds. It has a wing bridge of upto 2.75 metres, and weighs betwixt iv.v and 11 kg. It lives in places with a moderate climate. It migrates to India, Africa and Iran in winter considering its wings exercise not give sufficient protection against the cold.
The brownish pelican is the smallest of the pelicans. It dives its head long into h2o from quite a height to become at its prey. The other six species of pelicans have a white plummage.
Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest, nest and even fish together. The young pelicans take wing when they are about ii months old. The nests of pelicans are far from the source of any nutrient. Therefore, the adults have to fly great distances to become food.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 3


  1. Below you can discover a summary of the in a higher place passage. Fill in each blank with one word/phrase to complete it.
    Pelican is one of the oldest (a) ……………birds. It is believed that its young ones are
    fed by the mother's (b) . …………..Mayhap due to this, pelican is regarded as the (c) ……….and dutiful bird. It has long (d)…………… , webbed feet and a very brusque tail. Pelican finds information technology hard to walk on state because of its (east)……………… . It lives in places where the climate is (j)………….. . In all, there are (m) ………..species of pelicans.
  2. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as
    (a) enough (b) friendly


  1. 1. (a) surviving (b) own blood (c) most affectionate (d) wings
    (e) webbed toes (f) moderately cold (g) seven.
  2. (a) sufficient (b) sociable

There was a lion who was the rex of the forest. He was big, tearing and stiff. All the other animals brought him gifts from every corner of the forest. They were actually afraid of him.
'Male monarch must take ministers to help him', the panthera leo thought i day. And he sent for the fox.
You are known to be veiy wise and clever. I desire yous to be my Home Minister.'
"Many many thanks for this accolade, your majesty", said the fox, bowing low.
Then he called a panther and said, "You are known to be veiy warning and swift-footed. You volition be my Defence Minister."
"Thank you, Sir," said the panther.
The next to be summoned was a crow.
"Yous can fly high and tin see afar objects. And then youll be my Strange Minister."
"I am grateful to you, my master," said the crow. The iii ministers swore to remain
loyal to the male monarch. The lion, in render promised to feed and protect them.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 4


  1. On the basis of the reading of the above passage complete the following sentences:
    (a) The forest animals were afraid of the king of beasts because
    (b) The new idea that came to the lion's mind was
    (c) The lion appointed the fox his Home Minister considering
    (d) The panthera leo appointed the panther his Defence Minister considering
    (e) The lion appointed the crow his Strange Minister considering .
  2.  Find words from the above passage that mean the aforementioned as
    (a) violent (b) watchful (c) very far


  1. (a) he was big, fierce and stiff
    (b) to have ministers to assist him
    (c) of his cleverness
    (d) of his altertness
    (e) of his ability to fly high and encounter distant objects.
  2.  (a) fierce (b) alarm (c) distant


The arrangement of education in our state is defective. Information technology is not keeping footstep with the pas¬sage of time. It follows the pattern which was valid five decades agone.
The aim of education is to set up students for the tough boxing of life. The bones needs of life are a audio mind in a audio trunk, and skill to make a living. Information technology widens the sphere of knowledge and builds our character. In short, teaching should plow out a strong team of responsible citizens.
Educational activity has to be related to life and too the needs of the nation. Non gilt but just men of character brand a nation swell and stiff.
It is unfortunate that our policy-makers requite little importance to moral education and noble values. They ready upwardly schools and colleges only to plow out an army of graduates, good for nothing. Nosotros demand men with brain, nosotros need skillful scientists and technicians, we need tough soldiers for the army.
Education for all sounds sweet. Simply mere slogans and schemes on paper won't take us far. Our leaders don't have the volition to serve the nation. Also schemes fail at the ground level.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 5

  1. On the basis of the reading of the above passage, complete the following sen¬tences:
    (a) Our education organisation is wrong considering
    (b) The aim of education is to
    (c) Our nation needs
    (d) Men of strong graphic symbol lone make
    (e) All our experiments neglect to improve the quality of pedagogy because
  2.  Detect words from the higher up passage that mean the opposite to
    (a) soft/delicate (b) sickly/weak (c) most


  1.  (a) information technology is outdated
    (b) set up students for hard battle of life
    (c) responsible citizens
    (d) a nation strong and great
    (e) the policy-makers do not give importance to moral teaching.
  2. (a) tough (b) audio (c) far


Using car phones while driving can be far more dangerous than driving nether the influence of liquor.
Latest research says drivers using these mobile phones as a means of faster solar day-to-day communications may be heading for an accident. The study has shattered the common belief that drinking is the chief cause of the majority of road mishaps.
Talking on mobile phones increases the risk to 1's life compared to driving afterwards beingness drunk. The findings of the study are based on the survey of several cases of road acci- i dents.
In fact, a study of the records of drivers involved in 699 such mistakes showed that the adventure of accident for those who talk on phone while driving was at to the lowest degree four times higher compared to those driving in a state of drunkenness.
The simply advantage for those driving with cellular telephone was that they could summon immediate assistance through these phones. The study which is relevant for the entire world is relevant for India too. Here too these phones are beingness used increasingly for communication and business transactions.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 6


  1.  On the basis of your reading of the higher up passage complete the following sentences.
    (a) Using car phones while driving is very unsafe considering
    (b) Accidents on the road can exist acquired because of
    (c) Latest inquiry has made it articulate that
    (d) With the assistance of a mobile phone one can
    (due east) Prison cell phones are beingness used increasingly in Republic of india for .
  2.  Find a word from the in a higher place passage that means the same as
    (a) risky (b) accidents (c) call


  1.  (a) it diverts the mind of the driver
    (b) talking on mobile phones and driving after being boozer
    (c) drinking is not the chief crusade of road accidents
    (d) summon immediate aid
    (e) communication and business organisation transactions
  2.  (a) dangerous (b) mishaps (c) summon

Read the passages given below and respond the questions that follow:


Conversation is a fine art. Information technology is the art of exchanging thought. It is an art which everyone can cultivate or chief. Not everybody can pigment or play music, but virtually everyone can talk. Thus it affords the greatest pleasure to the greatest number. "To talk", says R.L. Sleversan, "is our chief business in the world. And talk is by far the virtually accessible of pleasures. It costs zippo in money, it is all profit. Information technology completes our teaching, makes friends and can exist enjoyed at any age.
Conversation is indeed the most teachable of all the arts. All you need to do is to find a subject that interests you and your listeners.
Hobbies are, for instance, bags hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about the other young man'due south hobby rather than your ain. Therein lies the hugger-mugger of your popularity. There is zippo that pleases people and so much as your interest in their interest.
It is just equally important to know what subjects to avoid and what subjects to select for good chat. If you don't want to be gear up downwards as a bore, avoid sure unpleasant topics. Avert talking about yourself unless you are asked to practice and so. Sickness or death bores everybody. The only one who willingly listens to such talk is the doctor, only he gets pitiful for it. You must too know not only what to say merely likewise how to say it.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 7

  1. Reply the following questions briefly:
    (a) How does the author define and explicate the art of chat?
    (b) How is talking easier to learn than other fine arts?
    (c) What are the subjects 1 tin easily talk virtually?
    (d) Which topics usually diameter the listener?
    (e) What should be avoided unless you lot are asked to do so?
  2. Find out words from the above passage similar in significant to the f0llower
    (a) acquire or develop (b) within achieve (c) brand happy.


  1. (a) Conversation is a fine art easier to larn and within everybody's reach.
    (b) It is easier to go a good talker than a master painter or musician.
    (c) One can hands talk virtually hobbies of the listener
    (d) 1 should avoid discussing unpleasant topics like sickness or death
    (e) Avoid talking about yourself unless y'all are asked to practise and so.
  2.  (a) cultivate (b) accessible (c) please.


Do you know that around 270 eucalyptus trees or 460 bamboo plants are saved when we produce one tonne of hand made paper? It is eco-friendly hand-made paper that also checks pollution of water, state and air. Large quantities of polluting chemicals are used by paper mills. .
Hand-fabricated paper is the all-time class of recycled paper. It has a fine surface for writing. It is also stiff enough for making drawings.
Newspaper manufacturing is a very onetime tradition. It was invented in Communist china well-nigh 2 m years back. Indians used the leaves of palm trees for writing. Papyrus is a! kind of newspaper made from a reed of the same proper noun. It grew on the banks of the River Nile, and was used in Arab republic of egypt.
The manus-made newspaper industry flourished in Bharat during the Mughal period. But information technology died with the setting up of paper mills in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mahatma Gandhi revived it during the freedom movement. Today it is a fast growing industry.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 8.

  1.  Answer the post-obit questions briefly:
    (a) Why is hand-made paper becoming more and more popular?
    (b) Mention two features of hand-fabricated newspaper.
    (c) What did Indians use for writing when in that location was no newspaper?
    (d) What is papyrus?
    (east) Why did the hand-made paper industry die in India in the 18th and 19th centuries?
  2. Find words from the above passage that mean the same as:
    (a) command (b) prospered (c) bring back to life.


  1. (a) Hand-fabricated paper is condign more and more pop because it is eco-friendly
    and checks pollution of water, land and air.
    (b) It has a fine surface for writing.
    Information technology is too strong plenty for making drawings.
    (c) They used the leaves of palm copse.
    (d) Papyrus is a kind of newspaper made from a reed.
    (e) Mitt-made paper manufacture died in India in the 18th and 19th centuries be¬cause paper mills got established.
  2. (a) check (b) flourished (c) revive


We must do all we tin can to stop conflicts and civil state of war. Most conflicts happen in poor countries, especially which are badly governed or where power and wealth are not dis-tributed fairly between different tribal or religious groups. So the best way to check fight¬ing is to brand a political organization in which all groups take their representatives. The demand is to ensure homo rights and economic development of all.
The next fundamental liberty is 1 that is not mentioned in the UN charter. In 1945, the leaders could not imagine that such a situation would arise. That is the freedom of time to come generations to alive on this planet.
Even now many of united states have not understood its importance. Nosotros are using up the limited resources for our present utilize. Nosotros are over using and fifty-fifty wasting them. We are, in fact, robbing our children of their correct to live.
We must preserve our forests, fisheries and wild animals. All of these are collapsing because of our own habit of consuming or destroying them.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 9

  1.  Respond the post-obit questions briefly:
    (a) Why do near conflicts happen in poor countries?
    (b) What is the best way to check conflicts?
    (c) What is meant past The freedom of time to come generation to live?
    (d) How are nosotros robbing our children of their basic right?
    (eastward) What must we preserve for our children?
  2. Find words from the passage that mean the same as
    (a) fighting (b) continue safely (c) coming to end


  1. (a) Most conflicts happen in poor countries because they are generally desperately
    (b) The best mode to check conflicts is to brand a political arrangement in which all groups take their representatives.
    (c) It ways-the right of the coming generation to live.
    (d) We are using up the limited resources for our present use. Thus, we are doing injustice to the future generation.
    (e) Nosotros must salve our forest and fisheries for use past our bang-up grandchildren.
  2.  (a) disharmonize (h) preserve (c) collapsing


Food can maintain and relieve life. Information technology can destroy life too. Proper food serves as medicine, improper nutrient works every bit poison. A piddling care near the quality and quantity of nutrient will
keep the states good for you and happy. If we become about eating all sorts of things, we shall go sick. Nosotros have pride in calling ourselves civilized. Being sensible means to know the departure betwixt proficient and bad, right and wrong. It will not do to go slaves to our natural language or sense of taste. Even cattle, birds and beasts consume only what is best for their body.
Nosotros by and large swallow processed food and refined carbohydrate. We pay heavily for junk food, for Chipese dishes or deep fried snacks. As a result nosotros grab diseases. Nosotros take drifted away from mother nature. We laugh at the rules of hygiene, healthy diet and the advice of our elders. This has given ascension to diabetes.
We offer chocolates, cakes and ice creams too often to our children. We also attend parties or dine out every day. This way nosotros invite obesity and diabetes.
Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 10

Answer the following questions briefly:

  1. (a)  What are the functions of food?
    (b) What is meant by 'improper nutrient?
    (c) What does 'civilised life' imply?
    (d) Explicate: Nosotros have drifted away from nature.
    (e) How does modem life mode and food habits impact the states?
  2. Find words from the passage that hateful the same as:
    (a) being fatty (b) cleanliness


  1. Nutrient maintains and saves life.
    (b) Food which is of poor quality and has harmful effect on the body.
    (c) Being civilised means – to know what is right and what is wrong.
    (d) Our lifestyle has pushed usa away from nature.
    (eastward) We don't follow the rules of hygiene and good for you diet. We eat processed, fried or junk food.
  2.  obesity (b) hygiene


The cinema is the cheapest source of entertainment today. Millions of people see movies and bask them. Information technology is a good pastime in all the places – large or small.
The movie theatre industry has fabricated rapid progress after independence. In the beginning there were silent, and black and white movies. Now we are dazzled by the colours in every movie.
Big posters are seen on the walls of cities and towns for advertisements. They too announce the coming movies in the city. There is always a rush before the booking windows. So the tickets are oftentimes sold in the black market or at a premium.
On the one hand the movie theatre is a source of amusement. On the other it is besides a source of knowledge and information. Films satisfy all the sections of people and their unlike tastes.
There are religious movies and historical movies. They recreate the by, the former culture and life way. Social films spread awareness well-nigh social evils of dowry, casteism and communal feelings. Some films expose the abuse in loftier places among the policemen and the citizens.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 11

  1.  Answer the following questions briefly:
    (a) Why is cinema then much popular?
    (b) How can you say that the cinema industry has fabricated rapid progress subsequently independence?
    (c) Why are tickets often sold in the blackness market?
    (d) Mention two advantages of cinema.
    (e) What is the main purpose of making social films?
  2.  Find words from the above passage which mean the opposite to:
    (a) costliest (b) slow (c) nowadays


  1. (a) Cinema is so much popular considering it is the cheapest means of recreation.
    (b) Before in that location were silent, and black and white movies. At present we are dazzled by the colours in the movies. At present we are dazzled by the column in the movies. One can run across large posters on the wall of cities and towns.
    (c) Tickets are often sold in the black market because at that place is e'er a huge rush before the booking windows.
    (d) Cinema is a source of entertainment.
    It is also a source of noesis and information.
    (e) The main purpose of making social films is to spread awareness about social evils of dowry, casteism and communal feelings.
  2. (a) cheapest (b) rapid (c) past

PASSAGE half-dozen

In that location was a time when all house-work was done by the women or girls of the house¬hold. Few husbands ever dreamt of washing upwards, preparing breakfast or tending the baby. Such duties were no business organization of theirs. And normal school boy causeless that if help were needed in the abode, his sisters would be called on to give it. The whole family supported the view that the male child could not or should non clean, mend, wash, cook or make beds.
Things are very different today. Doctors or barristers find nothing shameful in putting on an apron to help in the kitchen or nursery and even boast of being good at washing of clothes and personal linen.
The school boy is more than ofttimes now than formerly expected to help his female parent. One reason for the change is the Shortage of domestic servants. Girls could once be found to do the difficult piece of work in middle and upper form homes for very moderate wages; Such girls nowa¬days work in factories. They earn more than money than virtually householders can beget to pay. Thus the wife now does the househeld work herself with the assist of labour saving ma¬chines; and she expects some help from her hubby.

Unseen Passage for Class 7 in English CBSE With Questions and Answers – Long Passages 12

  1. Respond the following questions briefly:
    (a) Who ordinarily did all house work in the past?
    (b) Mention some household chores that women apply to do in their house.
    (c) How did the whole family view the male kid?
    (d) How are things dissimilar now?
    (e) Mention one reason that has brought this modify today?
  2. Find words from the in a higher place passage that mean the same as:
    (a) taking intendance of [b) took for granted (c) talk proudly


  1.  (a) In the past all house work was commonly washed by women or girls.
    (b) Washing clothes, preparing breakfast and tending the babe.
    (c) The whole family idea that the male kid could not or should not make clean, mind, wash, cook or brand beds.
    (d) Today even doctors and lawyers help in the kitchen or nursery.
    (e) The shortage of domestic servants has brought this change.
  2. (a) disposed (b) assumed (c) avowal

NCERT SolutionsMathsScienceSocialEnglishSanskritHindiRD Sharma


Source: https://www.cbsetuts.com/cbse-class-7-english-reading-skills-passage-writing/

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